Memorial service planned for student

The College of William and Mary community will gather Monday in remembrance of Troy Pelish ’15, who died earlier this week.

The campus will hold a memorial service at 4:00 p.m. Feb. 20 at a location yet to be announced. The Pelish family held visitation hours for mourners at Oakey’s Funeral Home yesterday; the funeral service was held this morning at Mineral Springs Baptist Church.

Pelish, a chemistry major and a German minor at the College, graduated valedictorian in 2011 from William Byrd High School in Vinton, Va. Outside school, Pelish was active as an Eagle Scout and a member of the Order of the Arrow.

Vice President for Student Affairs Ginger Ambler ’88 Ph.D. ’06 informed the College community that donations and condolences can be sent to Pelish’s parents, Bruce and Martha Pelish, at 623 E. Augusta Ave., Vinton, Va. 24179.

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Senior staff writer Ken Lin '13 is a public policy major from Hillsborough, N.J. He was previously Associate News Editor.


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