Nichol announces committee to examine religion in public colleges

College President Gene Nichol discussed his decision to remove the cross in Wren Chapel from permanent display during his first State of the College address Thursday evening and announced the formation of a committee that would examine the place for religion in public universities.

p. Nichol said his decision to remove the cross had raised questions about the reach of separation of church and state.

p. “Though the decision [to remove the cross] has received much support—particularly within the campus community—many, many have seen it otherwise,” Nichol said. “So tonight, having had discussions with many, on campus and beyond, including members of the Board of Visitors, I announce the creation of a presidential committee to aid in the exploration of these questions.”

p. Nichol announced that the committee would be co-chaired by James Livingston, emeritus chair of the College’s religious studies department and Law School Professor Alan Meese

p. Nichol also announced that the College raised a record $26 million in the final quarter of 2006.

p. The College previously had raised $476.9 million of its $500 million goal.

p. __For a video of Nichol’s remarks, courtesy of the Office of University Relations and Google Video, click here__

p. __For the full text of Nichol’s State of the College address, provided by the Office of University Relations, click here__

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