By the Numbers (Feb. 2, 2007)

17 years
The number of years since 1951 during which Williamsburg received more than 10 inches of snow. The record over this period was in the winter of 1979 when the College got over 35 inches.

7 points
The number of points by which the Indianapolis Colts are expected to beat the Chicago Bears in Superbowl XLI, according to oddsmaker

20 percent
The betting odds that Israel or the United States will execute an overt airstrike against Iran by the end of the year, based on live quotes from

41 percent
The percent of early decision applicants who were accepted for the class of 2011. Regular admission statistics are expected to be released in April.

The salary of the highest-paid teaching professor at the College in the 2005-2006 school year, belonging to a law professor.

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