Police Beat (Dec. 24 – Jan. 30)

Sunday, Dec. 24 — A non-student from Newport News was arrested at the intersection of Jamestown and Griffen streets on charges of DUI. He was taken to the regional jail.
Saturday, Dec. 30 — An officer found vandalism to a powerbox on the first floor of Preston Hall. Damages were estimated at $150.
Sunday, Jan. 7 — A staff member reported that her wallet had been stolen from the Stetson House. The wallet contained credit cards and $100 in cash.
Saturday, Jan. 13 — Officers responded to a fire alarm in Yates Hall at 2 a.m. The alarm appeared to have been triggered on the second south hall and a fire extinguisher had also been set off.

— An officer called in an extra unit while investigating damage at Lodge 16. A window had been broken and its screen slashed, while paint had also been thrown on the building. Police acted to secure all the surrounding buildings, and found paint on Lodge 14 as well. Estimated damages were $100.
Tuesday, Jan. 16 — Police were told that a car’s tires had been slashed in the parking garage. Damage was estimated at $200.
Friday, Jan. 19 — University Center staff reported that a radio worth about $1600 was stolen.
Sunday, Jan. 21 — A male student was seen staggering down Ukrops Way and was arrested in the Common Glory Parking Lot for being drunk in public and underage possession of alcohol. He was taken to the regional jail.
Monday, Jan. 22 — A student in Barrett called police and reported that his roommate was throwing up blood and needed medical assistance. Officers and medics were dispatched. The two students were both issued summonses for underage possession of alchohol.
— A student in Jamestown North reported that his bike, worth an estimated $1,200, had been stolen from his room.
Tuesday, Jan. 23 — A male student was arrested outside of Unit E for drinking in public. He was taken to the regional jail.
Wednesday, Jan. 24 — A male student was arrested for larceny of a road sign and underage possession of alcohol. The sign was returned to its original location.
Sunday, Jan. 28 — Vandalism was reported to the lights that illuminate the flag at Zable Stadium. Estimated damage was $300.

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