Police Beat (Feb. 7 – Feb. 11)

**Wednesday, Feb. 7 —** A staff member reported larceny at Jones Hall. She reported the theft of her credit card and the subsequent unauthorized purchase of $1,800. (1)

p. **Friday, Feb. 9 —** A student at Chandler Hall reported that her welcome mat had been stolen from the hallway outside of her door. The approximate value was $20. (2)
—A student reported the theft of a ring from the Rec Center. The estimated value was $300. (3)

p. **Saturday, Feb. 10—** A student at the Graduate Student Complex complained of loud noises and singing. An officer did an area check, but no further action was taken. (4)
—A 21-year-old student was arrested in the fraternity parking lot for being drunk in public. (5)
—A student at Unit D reported vandalism, saying that a brick was thrown at the rear glass door in the unit, breaking the glass. The damages were estimated at $300. (5)
—A student reported vandalism at the fraternity parking lot. He said that someone had broken a window on his car. Damage was estimated at $120. (5)

p. **Sunday, Feb. 11—** An officer reported finding a sign missing from the parking garage on Ukrop Way. The estimated value of the sign was $3,550. (6)

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