This Week in Flat Hat History (Feb. 20, 2007)


The College requested more than $13.5 million for capital outlay in the fiscal year 1968-1970, more than twice what the General Assembly allocated the College for the previous two fiscal years. The College also asked for more than $2 million in revenue bonds to finance further expenditures, including a physical science building to house the chemistry department.


The College announced that an administrative reshuffle would go into affect March 1. The shuffle included W. Samuel Sadler succeeding Carson H. Barnes Jr. as Dean of Students. At the time, Sadler was Dean of Men. Barnes then became Director of Special Programs.


The Student Association Council voted 7-9-3 to reject a recommendation to the BOV that supported disinvestment in companies with holdings in South Africa. At the time, the college had $1 million invested in companies with holdings in apartheid-era South Africa. Members of the committee who voted down the proposal said they did so because South Africa was important militarily in stopping the spread of global communism.


College President Tim Sullivan announced the formation of the Spotswood Society, a group of student volunteers who would serve as liaisons for the Wren Building between the public and the College. Spotswood Society members serve as tour guides and work during special events held at the Wren.

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