SA supports medical amnesty

Four out of the five bills voted on by the Student Assembly Senate during their Tuesday night meeting passed, including a proposal supporting medical amnesty for students.

p. The senate also confirmed one of SA President Ryan Scofield’s nominations to fill two vacancies on the Election Commission.
The Safety is Paramount Act — sponsored by Sens. Matt Beato and Zach Pilchen, both sophomores — passed unanimously. The bill provides for a letter authored by Beato and Pilchen to Police Chief Donald Challis encouraging the Campus Police “to practice the basic tenants of Student Affairs’ Medical Amnesty Proposal.”

p. In the same vein, Sens. Blasi and Morris, both freshmen, presented the Medical Amnesty Clarification Act, which would ask College administrators for a formal clarification of the newly-adopted amnesty policy, according to Blasi.

p. The Freshman Orientation Act, sponsored by Blasi and Morris, passed by a vote of 12-5 with three abstaining. The bill requests that administrators integrate all extended orientation activities into the Freshman Orientation period before classes begin.

p. The Omnibus Newsletter Funding Act passed by a vote of 14-0 with six abstaining. The bill is a re-wording of a previously passed bill that provided funding for a quarterly community newsletter meant to update community members on how to become involved with campus activities and events, said Sen. James Evans, a senior. According to the new bill, $732.93 will be allocated for postage from the Student Assembly Consolidated Reserve Fund, while $800 will be allocated from the assembly’s Off-Campus Fund for printing costs.

p. The Integrity of Honor Act, which reminded all candidates for Student Assembly office that they must conduct themselves according to the Honor Code while in office, passed unanimously; the bill was sponsored by Sens. Matt Skibiak, a sophomore, and Orlando Watson, a freshman.

p. Scofield nominated Evans and Class of 2007 Vice President for Advocacy Sean Gillik, a senior, to the Election Commission. The senate confirmed Evans to the commission by a vote of 18-1 with one abstaining.

p. Evans will also be the technical advisor for the Elections Commission this year. Gillik would replace Tom Kramer, a senior, who graduated in December. Evans will replace Sen. Joe Luppino-Esposito, a junior—who will be participating in the elections as a candidate, according to Scofield.

p. Only the Truthfullness of Honor Act failed to pass by a vote of 6-14 during the Senate’s meeting. The bill, sponsored by Watson, would have required students to write a portion of the Honor Pledge and sign the statement at the end of any piece of scholastic work.

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