This week in Flat Hat History (March 23)

The College established a policy allowing students a maximum of four unexcused absences for each class per semester.

p. After five skipped classes, students would be automatically dropped from the class roll. If losing a class left students with fewer then the required number of hours, they would have to withdraw from the College. Only deans and medical officers were allowed to excuse absences.

p. **1952**
The William and Mary Theatre group finished preparations for their production of “Thor, With Angels.” “Thor, With Angels,” a religious play, was the first completely student-run production in College history. The proceeds were to go toward religious emphasis week in the fall of 1952.

p. **1988**
The Office of Residence Life bumped 495 of the 3,009 students who had paid a $100 deposit to be entered into the housing lottery. This was an increase from the previous year when only 380 students were bumped, College officials reported.

p. The large size of the class of 1990 contributed to the high number of students bumped from the lottery.

p. **1985**
Two students assisted Campus and Williamsburg police in following and capturing two armed robbers. Two men participated in an armed robbery at the corner of Cary Street and Jamestown Road. They escaped onto new campus where they were soon arrested.

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