This Week in Flat Hat History (March 27)

Rogers Hall reportedly suffered $100,000 worth of damage after a fire that started in the elevator shaft and spread, destroying the entire roof. The roof windows and third floor were completely destroyed by the flames and the upper stories had to be rebuilt. The College managed to move all classes except for labs, so no classes were canceled.

p. **1966**
According to a survey done by campus political science professors, 40 percent of students at the College were in favor of escalating U.S. involvement in the Vietnam War. Twenty of the 663 students surveyed were in favor of immediate withdrawal of troops. A survey of faculty members found that 39.6 percent favored a withdrawal and 31 percent supported current policy.

p. **1979**
A proposal for a student “Fall Break” was given to then-President Thomas Graves to be ruled on later that week. The recommendation from the Academic Calendar Advisory Committee suggested that students get a weekend plus Monday and Tuesday off in the middle of October each year.

p. **1985**
The Rev. Jerry Falwell spoke at the College in front of 2,000 students, 100 of whom were protesters. He came to the College at the request of Doug Phillips, chairman of the Young Americans for Freedom. Phillips’ father was the national director of the Conservative caucus. Falwell described the College as “more than any other school part of the old Virginia aristocracy where you don’t see such activism for the left or the right.”

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