Horoscopes (March 30)

Scorpio: Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

The road of life is long and full of large boulders, and until Hummers start conserving gas, you should seriously consider buying a grappling hook.

Taurus: April 20 – May 20

New ideas and challenges have always enforced your will to live, but that will change this week when you are challenged to rise from the dead.

Sagittarius: Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Focusing on a point will helps you relax your brain, but when that point turns out to be a football player’s girlfriend, you will need more than a prayer to live.

Gemini: May 21- June 21

Whatever it is that you do this week, you will do it with the stick-to-itiveness that makes Geminis unique; well, that and a pair of testicles.

Capricorn: Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. But when life gives you a grapefruit, try not to squeeze any in someone’s eye, because that shit stings.

Cancer: June 22 – July 22

Along with a punch in the face, you will receive wisdom this week from Doctor Do-It-All, who advises you to drop your activities and hang glide off of Rogers Hall.

Aquarius: Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Your mind’s eye will go blind this week, and you will be embarrassed when everyone is making fun of its funny looking eye-patch.

Leo: July 23 – Aug. 22

You will be relieved after finishing your 366th sonnet and the work of your life, only to be accused of “coppin’ Petrarch’s steez” by your English major friends.

Pisces: Feb. 19 – March 20

You need to refresh your soul, reevaluate your situation and live life to the fullest. More importantly, you need to get tested for Chlamydia.

Virgo: Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

You will have a life-shattering paradigm crisis this week when you are excited to find a nickel, but realize the machine only accepts quarters. months.

Aries: March 21 – April 19

Your compatibility meter will shoot through the roof this week, as you will now be able to respond to people with “Hello,” as opposed to “Whatever.”

Libra: Sept. 23 – Oct. 22

While your decisions are tough this week, you ask yourself whether the stars would have done the same thing. A ball of gas can’t have a baby, idiot.

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