Staff Editorial: Bravo, Kate

People say that hindsight is 20/20. While the current editorial board cannot rightfully take credit for hiring Flat Hat sex columnist Kate Prengaman, it can certainly look back to Sept. 12, 2003, when Kate’s first column ran under the header “Behind Closed Doors,” and nod its head in emphatic approval.

p. Kate’s adventure began as a freshman. The Behind Closed Doors column was just one semester old, and its originator had just graduated. Kate applied to fill the vacancy, thrilled with the idea of writing a sex column as a fresh face on campus. Her idea was to craft the column to promote healthy attitudes about sex and relationships.

p. The rest, as they say, is history.

p. Kate got off to a blistering start. In her first printed paragraphs, she introduced herself and laid out her main qualification — while she probably wasn’t the most sexually active person on campus, she had a healthy outlook on sex and wasn’t embarrassed about discussing it.

p. She then used the remainder of her 800 words to expound on the Supreme Court’s decision in the case Lawrence and Garner v. Texas. “Just imagine,” she wrote, “you, your girl or boyfriend, some romantic candles, sexy music and Clarence Thomas — monitoring your every move for morality. If you find that proposition attractive, your sex life might be a little too scary, even for me.” Right off the bat, the College knew that its sex columnist wasn’t exactly garden variety.

p. Now, after four great years, The Flat Hat must prepare for the unenviable task of replacing Kate, whose hand-obscured countenance has become a veritable campus institution. Kate’s unique, witty and intelligent insight will be sorely missed.

p. We are excited, however, to congratulate freshman Emily Powell, who will replace Kate beginning next fall. Emily was selected from a pool of applicants, and though she has big shoes to fill (dominatrix boots if you ask Confusion Corner columnist Lauren Bell), we are confident she will continue to provide the thoughtful sex and relationship advice that our readers have come to expect from our pages.

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