Insurance to cost less

The College’s renegotiated health insurance policy will be approximately 25 percent cheaper than the current policy, Vice President for Student Affairs Sam Sadler said.

p. The policy, for both undergraduate and graduate students, remains essentially the same every year but is annually renegotiated between the College and Student Resources, a division of The MEGA Life and Health Insurance Company. The renegotiated policy will go into effect for the Class of 2011 in August 2007.

p. According to an e-mail from Dr. Gail Moses, Director of the Student Health Center, with the exception of a $10 co-pay, all costs incurred from services, supplies, medications and contraception provided at the Health Center will be covered 100 percent.

p. Improvements to the policy include providing free contraceptives and no co-pays for prescription medications filled at the Health Center.

p. The school also increased the coverage for prescription medications filled outside of the Health Center from $300 to $1,200. For the 2007-2008 school year, the cost of the annual student premium for the basic insurance plan will be will be $1,020.

p. Starting with the Class of 2010, every student entering the College must demonstrate proof of health insurance or they will be automatically entered into the College plan.

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