Boltik schedules Wednesday re-vote

A re-vote for the class of 2008’s Vice President for Advocacy will take place this Wednesday, May 2, according to Student Assembly Election Commissioner Adam Boltik.

p. Juniors Matt Brown and Shariff Tanious will take part in a run-off for the position. The ballot will be open from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. on the Student Information Network’s website,

p. Brown had initially been declared the winner by one vote after the March 29 election, but Tanious appealed the decision, saying that junior Bryan Jones — who is currently interning in Florida — was unable to access SIN and vote. Jones voted through email instead, which the commission initially rejected.

p. After a review board meeting, the commission decided to authorize the emailed vote, declaring a tie between Brown and Tanious and calling for a re-vote.

p. Boltik said that he has informed the candidates of the re-vote, and that the candidates will have time to campaign. Standard election rules will also apply.

p. He also said that campaigning may start on April 29 at 12 a.m. and that candidates will have to file campaign finance reporting forms by 11 p.m. this Tuesday.

p. Both Brown and Tanious will be on the ballot. Rogers will be a write-in candidate.

p. Current elections protocol does not account for a tie. Boltik said that he did not place Rogers on the ballot to follow common practices in elections.

p. “In situations where more than two candidates were running for a position, electoral codes and traditions around the world dictate that a run-off must occur between the two highest vote-getters to determine a winner,” Boltik said in an email to The Flat Hat. “Since there is no provision in the Code for a tie (yet), this is the procedure I am going to follow.”

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