This Week in Flat Hat History (May 1)

The College ended its version of freshmen rules. The tribunal enforcing the rules decided that the freshmen would no longer be subject to curfew and other regulations during finals. At the time, the tribunal had not decided whether or not the freshman rules would be regulated or even enforced the following year. On the night rules were to end, tribunal officials expected a party or even a “small riot.”

p. **1948**
The College’s enforcement of a new no smoking rule went into effect. Smoking, eating and drinking soft drinks were no longer allowed in teaching classrooms. Students could engage in these activities in study hall rooms and where permitted by the instructor. Smoking would also be allowed during midterm and final exams.

p. **1973**
College professor Vernon Edmonds was reprimanded by the sociology department after being accused by four black students of racism after they received grades of “No Credit” in his social problems course. The department reprimanded him for “alleged vagueness and selectivity concerning grading criteria,” but did not specifically mention the issue of discrimination.

p. **1982**
A campus police car struck a student in the Ewell parking lot. The officer involved in the incident was responding to a false burglar alarm set off in Ewell. The student was sent to Williamsburg Community Hospital and released. He suffered no injuries.

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