This Week in Flat Hat History (Sept. 11)

Tyler Hall, later renamed the Wendy and Emery Reves Center for International Studies, underwent an extensive $50,000 renovation that made it, at the time, the most modern men’s dormitory on campus. The dorm was refurnished and repainted to give the hall a distinct look.

p. **1964**
The 272nd session of the College began with the largest freshmen class recorded in the history of the campus. An entering class of 942 freshmen added to the approximately 3,000 transfer, graduate and law students.

p. **1970**
A “night clerk system” was implemented in upperclassmen women’s dorms, easing the strict curfew rules that had previously been in place. Until then, parental permission cards had been used. Although the new system was an improvement, it was also expensive. For this reason, the Women’s Dormitory Association wanted to implement a “card key system” in which students would use a plastic key card to get into dormitories after hours.

p. **1981**
A new alcohol consumption law was passed by Virginia that, according to the Associate Dean of Students, would have “an impact on the college.” 18 year-old students would be able to purchase alcohol in licensed areas only.

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