Coming Attractions (Oct. 5)

**Beirut – “The Flying Club Cup” (4AD)**
Beirut’s sophomore album was inspired by a photograph of an old-time Parisian hot air balloon festival, according to lead singer Zach Condon. Although the tracks stick to Beirut’s recognizable style, most have a denser feel. The album’s range of musical instruments includes glockenspiels and euphoniums.
__Oct. 9__

p. **LeAnn Rimes – “Family” (Curb Records)**
Country music singer LeAnn Rimes’ twelfth studio album, “Family,” features a more mature look at life and family thanks to her recent marriage to backup dancer Dean Sheremet. Her talent, though, hasn’t changed a bit — on “One Day Too Long,” her impressive voice is used in a more bluesy style — and it’s great. __Oct. 9__

p. **Alter Bridge – “Blackbird” (Universal Republic Records)**
Alt-metal band Alter Bridge’s second album, “Blackbird,” builds on the group’s impressive debut three years ago. Lead singer Myles Kennedy’s form is outstanding, and guitarist Mark Trimonti’s ability has improved from his already considerable skill. The band seems to have finally come into its own.
__Oct. 9__

p. **“The Darjeeling Limited” (Fox Searchlight Pictures)**
Director Wes Anderson’s latest film, “The Darjeeling Limited,” follows three brothers reconnecting on a pan-India train trip after the death of their father. Excellent writing and acting, as well as remarkable attention to detail and a healthy dose of lopsided comedy, mark this film.
__Oct. 5__

**“I Am America (And So Can You!)”
by Stephen Colbert (Grand Central Publishing)**
“I Am America (And So Can You!),” the book by “Colbert Report” host Stephen Colbert, is filled with parodies of Bill O’Reilly’s works, including lists of things that turn you gay and the treachery of the sea.
__Oct. 9___

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