Staff Editorial: Flat Hat sets the pace

This past weekend at the 86th annual ACP/CMA National College Media Convention, The Flat Hat was selected out of 162 college newspapers as winner of the Pacemaker award for excellence in collegiate journalism.

p. The award, judged by The Washington Post and given in recognition of overall outstanding performance by a four-year non-daily newspaper, is a testament to the hard work and dedication of all members of our staff.

p. The members of the editorial board are proud of everyone who contributes to our paper — from copy editors to business representatives, writers to production assistants. Your enthusiasm and indefatigable commitment to The Flat Hat has made this paper the most trusted name in news on this campus for nearly a century. We are proud that when students, faculty and alumni want objective, professional reporting and intelligent, multi-faceted commentary and analysis, they turn to our pages.

p. We encourage members of the College community to join our award-winning staff. There are endless opportunities at our paper for talented, motivated individuals who want to engage in a real-life, quality newspaper experience. Whatever your passion is, there is something for you in our Campus Center office or out in the field.

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