This Week in Flat Hat History – Dec. 4

p. 1930

p. The Cramton Bill, which authorized the Secretary of the Interior to buy land around Jamestown, Williamsburg and Yorktown, was passed by U.S. Congress. All land bought would become a new national park and all of the scenic highways would be owned and maintained by the federal government.

p. 1964

p. Moliere’s play, “Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme,” was performed for the first time in Virginia at Phi Beta Kappa Memorial Hall. The play, based on an incident that occurred in the court of King Louis XIV, was brought to audiences at the College through cooperation from the theatre and music departments.

p. 1975

p. Bill Mims ’79, a freshman at the College, started a one-man campaign to collect signatures asking the General Assembly to increase its support for a new building at the Marshall-Wythe Law School. Mims became interested in collecting signatures after hearing about the impact losing the law school could have on the College.

p. 1995

p. The Self-Scheduled Exam Committee, with endorsement from the Student Assembly and other groups, proposed that the College should adopt a schedule that consisted of two three-hour blocks each day for a week in which students could schedule their exams to their liking.

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