BOV to visit campus next week

In a campus-wide e-mail Friday, Board of Visitors Rector Michael Powell ’85 said that members of the BOV will visit campus next week to speak with the campus community about the recent non-renewal of College President Gene Nichol’s contract.

p. “Plans are still being finalized,” Powell said, “but Board members expect to be on campus by the end of next week for public and private meetings with students, faculty and staff.”

p. Powell said he would notify the College community when a date is established.

p. Powell also said that the BOV has set up a forum on the College website for the submission of comments. The address is

p. The announcement comes after 900 students signed a petition requesting that the BOV come to campus. In a special meeting yesterday, the faculty of arts and sciences also passed a motion that asked the BOV to address their concerns in an on-campus meeting.

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