BOV to visit campus Friday

The College announced Tuesday that members of the College’s Board of Visitors will meet this Friday — in public and private — with students, faculty and staff to discuss the recent non-renewal of former College President Gene Nichol’s contract.

“We plan to spend the entire day listening, learning and offering answers to a number of questions we’ve heard over the past week,” College Rector Michael Powell ’85, said in an interview with William and Mary News. “We want to do this in person and we want to do this for as long as it takes. It’s important that every member of this community has a chance to be heard.”

The BOV will also hold an executive committee meeting at 12 p.m. Friday on the third floor of Blow Hall.

According to the statement released by the College, the committee meeting is open to the public but will not contain an opportunity for public discussion.

The BOV will also hold three separate meetings for students, faculty and staff in the University Center Commonwealth. The meetings will be held at 1 p.m., 2:30 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. respectively.

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