Graffiti vandals hit Wren

The Wren Building is the site of yet another controversy this week after anti-Board of Visitors graffiti was discovered on the building Saturday morning.

Campus Police have also confirmed that similar graffiti has been found on a total of nine locations at the College, including Tyler Hall, Swem Library and the new Laycock Football Center.

According to Louise Kale, the executive director of the College’s historic campus, the graffiti was likely applied Friday night using spray paint and stenciled letters.

The stencils on the Wren Building read “No more board of dictators” and “BOV Visit This,” which also portrayed a black hand with a raised middle finger.

Kale said that she does not know if students were involved in the vandalism.

“It is a disappointment, particularly in light of the responsible way the students were expressing themselves last week,” Kale said. “The conversation was civil last week and I thought fairly constructive.”

In a campus-wide e-mail yesterday, Assistant Vice President for Student Affairs Ginger Ambler said that she was “disheartened” and “shocked” by the vandalism. She also said that Campus Police were conducting an investigation into the graffiti.

“I urge a return to the civil discourse that characterized our campus’ response last week,” she said.
The vandalism comes after a week of peaceful protest in response to former College President Gene Nichol’s resignation last Tuesday.

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