Powell’s Feb. 11 e-mail to Nichol

p. In a forum with faculty members this afternoon, Board of Visitors Rector Michael Powell ’85 read a Feb. 11 e-mail he sent to College President Gene Nichol.

p. Powell said he sent the e-mail to Nichol the day before Nichol resigned and that the only response he got was when Nichol called him the next day to announce his resignation.

p. Printed below is the e-mail.

p. Nick,

p. I just wanted to reach out and make a connection. Speaking personally I am very sorry things did not work out. I wanted you to know as you think heavily on your path that we will be flexible in trying to make this as good for you as possible. If you have ideas in that regard or there are ways to modify the proposal we provided I hope you will reach out to me, or John or with whomever you are comfortable. I am sure we can accommodate any of your concerns. I empathize with the difficulty of the choices you all must sort through. I encourage you to talk with those you trust to give sound advice and give this the time you need to work it out.

p. Warmest Regards,

p. Michael

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