Beato to run for City Council

Student Assembly Senate Chair Matt Beato ’09 today announced his candidacy for Williamsburg City Council.

p. “I am running because we need someone on Council who can bring the city together to address the issues of all Williamsburg,” he said in a public statement.

p. Beato was elected last November to the Colonial Soil and Water Conservation Board, the first student to serve in a city-wide position.

p. According to the statement, Beato’s priorities include increasing openness and accountability in city government, engaging the student population in maintaining healthy neighborhoods, engaging young people in the daily issues of the community, alleviating concerns with trash, parking and other neighborhood issues and ensuring that people who work in Williamsburg can afford to live here by working for inclusive affordable housing.

p. Beato announced he will resign his position in the SA to focus on his campaign.

p. The race is for three open seats and has four other announced candidates, including two incumbents. The election takes place May 6.

p. Since the registration policy was changed about one year ago, more than 1,000 students have registered to vote in Williamsburg, making students approximately 14 percent of registered voters. David Sievers ’07 ran for a council seat two years ago, but lost by a margin of 154 votes.

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