Staff Editorial: Staff deserve liaison

College life involves a lot of worries. Whether you’ll run out of toilet paper tomorrow morning shouldn’t be one of them. And it isn’t, thanks to the numerous hourly and classified staff members whose efforts on campus, though crucial, go largely unseen.

p. For too long, though, the College has not afforded these workers a place to turn with worries of their own. The recent decision to hire an ombudsperson should help resolve that problem. The title could use some work, but the idea itself is sound and has been a long time in coming.

p. Under the plan, newly installed ombudsperson Tatia Granger will act as an impartial intermediary between the College and its staff employees. Most importantly, she will provide resources for employees who may have no where else to turn with their concerns.

p. Because of its independence from the administration, Granger’s position will also add a layer of anonymity to shield those who might not otherwise come forward. That protection might draw criticism, but we do not see a potential for abuse. The College has already stated that the position isn’t intended to be part of a formal grievance process. We, too, see in it a catalyst for discussion, not a springboard for indictments.

p. We applaud the College’s attempt to initiate conversation. Should it prove as promising as it now appears, the College might do well to expand the approach to include an ombudsperson for students and faculty as well.

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