This Week in Flat Hat History – March 25


p. Old Dominion and Monroe Halls had markings painted on their roofs as an aid to pilots. The word “Williamsburg” was written in 19-foot tall yellow letters, along with a meridian marker and an arrow pointing to the local airport.

p. 1963

p. “Sammy” Sadler was selected as the Flat Hat’s business manager for the 1963-1964 school year. He previously served The Flat Hat as advertising manager.

p. 1975

p. Students living in Hunt Hall complained about the presence of a steam-generating power plant behind the Campus Center. The plant produced both soot and fumes from its smokestacks that would blow directly into the dorm on certain occasions. Students told administrators that they experienced effects such as coughing and headaches from the smoke.

p. 1986

p. The Rev. Jerry Falwell spoke at William and Mary Hall, attracting around 2,000 students, 100 protesters, 12 police officers and three local news stations. Falwell delivered a speech entitled “The Rebirth of America.” Student protesters carried signs outside of the event with slogans including “The Moral Majority is Neither” while chanting “Heil Falwell.”

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