This Week in Flat Hat History – March 28


John Coolidge, son of President Calvin Coolidge, and Gov. John Trumball and Henry Bryd, visited the College as part of a tour of Williamsburg, Yorktown, Jamestown and several other historical sights in the area.


The College’s baseball team started the season with a six-day road trip during spring break. George Mason University, the University of Maryland, Randolph-Macon College and Lynchburg College were among the first competitors.


Four individuals from nearby schools threatened three of the College’s students with a rifle. The group broke into Fauquier Hall and, after residents told them to leave, drove away in a white van. The intruders pointed the rifle at three students before being arrested by campus police. No one was hurt.


Seven members of the Phi Kappa Tau Fraternity found two missing girls in the Williamsburg woods. The students went to play basketball at a brother’s house, but after hearing of the runaways, decided to search the surrounding area. The Phi Taus discovered the pair and police returned the girls to their homes.

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