By the Numbers: April 8

**1.4 cents**

The value of the copper in a U.S. penny. In Canada, the cost of producing a penny is almost 4 cents, according to the Canadian National Post.

**25 percent**

The proportion of Gmail users aged 18-24. Seventeen percent of Hotmail and Yahoo! users are in that age group. Gmail users also tend to be wealthier, according to web research firm Hitwise.

**48 percent**

The proportion of people who said they felt “irritated” when watching the Obama Girl video that became a YouTube hit. “Embarrased” was the next most commonly reported emotion at 35 percent, with Republicans and Democrats both reporting similar feelings. The scientific, nationwide poll was conducted by HDC Research.

**37 million**

The number of copies sold worldwide of the bestselling single CD Candle In The Wind (Princess Diana Tribute) by Elton John, according to the RIAA.

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