SA inaugurates newly-elected members

The 2008 Student Assembly Inauguration took place Tuesday afternoon at 3:30 p.m. in the Wren Chapel.

The Chair of the Elections Commission, Jennifer Souers ’10, began the celebration by reading the agenda. Chief Justice of the SA Review Board Billy Mutell ’09 then called the inductees by class to the front to be sworn in. After taking the oaths of office, Interim College President Taylor Reveley commended the newly elected members of the SA for, “passing the first test of elected leadership.”

Vice President for Student Affairs Sam Sadler then expressed how grateful he was to all the SA members who made the choice to become active in the community, and he advised the students to keep listening to their peers.

After Sadler spoke, President-Elect Valerie Hopkins ’09 and Vice President-Elect Zach Pilchen ’09 highlighted monumental aspects of the year and reminded the SA of it’s mission: listening to fellow students and alleviating their issues. Souers then closed the ceremony by first recognizing the Class of 2008 officers and congratulating the new members on their wins.

Later that night, Pilchen presided over his first meeting of the 316th SA Senate. James City County participating team member Tom Fitzpatrick encouraged senators to get students involved with the upcoming JCC Comprehensive Plan meetings. The plan, which sets county policy, is updated every five years. The plan led to the creation of New Town and bus lines from the College to shopping areas.

The election of secretary of the senate began with the nomination of Sen. Caroline Mullis ’09 by Sen. Michael Douglass ’11. Four other senators received nominations but did not accept, leaving Mullis unopposed. Mullis said that the job would help keep her focused. She was confirmed by unanimous vote.

For the position of chair of the senate, Sen. Walter McClean ’09 ran againsst former Secretary of the Senate Sarah Rojas ’10. McClean was re-elected by an 8-5 vote.

Three bills were then introduced to the SA. Mullis presented the Matt Beato Appreciation Bill, Douglass introduced the Sentara Health Act and Rojas introduced a bill calling for a new van for Steer Clear.

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