Apple comes to the College

For the Class of 2012, the myNotebook program will be abandoning its traditional PC-only option.

There will now be Macintosh options, including three models of Apple personal computers, such as the white and black MacBooks as well as the silver MacBook Pro model. All the models will be customizable.

Any College student may purchase a laptop through the program to satisfy the College’s notebook requirement.
Information Technology has implemented this addition in response to student requests. Courtney Carpenter, the College’s chief information officer, said that his department decided to incorporate Macs into the program, especially given that Apple has become a major player in the college-age market.

“[IT] considers this a ‘pilot’ year and negotiated prices on three models that are below Apple’s standard [education] price,” he said.

One of the principal benefits of purchasing a laptop through the myNotebook program has been on-campus service and repair. However, the Mac option will not come with this feature.

Instead, all service and repair will come directly through the AppleCare program, which provides a three-year warranty. Carpenter said that although this is not ideal for students, it is not an insurmountable issue. Apple will ship boxes to campus and students can send their computers for repair right away.

IT is “in the process of spinning our folks up to be Mac-savvy and plan to eventually become an authorized service center,” Carpenter said. He added that Auxiliary Services is planning to open up an Apple store on campus.

IT Services will continue to offer Microsoft Office to students at reduced prices.

One interesting request from students concerns Apple’s new operating system. With Leopard, the most recent operating software, Macintosh computers can actually run Windows. For students buying Macs, the ability to run Windows could be helpful for some classes.

Carpenter says that, for now, the College has not negotiated lower prices for any students who wish to buy Windows operating software, but stressed that he plans to approach Microsoft about the issue.

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