Letter to the Editor — April 22

**Terence Wehle states platform**

To the Editor:

Boy, did Wehle do a poor job of communicating with this paper’s Editorial Board. On the issues you care about — this is how my platform would translate into votes:

– Vote against any government involvement in imposing deed restrictions on private property, including prohibiting rentals.

– Vote for re-examination of the three-person rule to allow up to four based on specific criteria including bedrooms and square footage.

– Vote to limit on-street parking permits to two vehicles. This will help all neighborhoods and answer concerns about having more than three persons.

– Vote to support all businesses in the city, including local business ventures in the downtown and College area. Help guide them and offer learning resources and student contacts so they have the best chance to be successful.

– Vote for clarity, fairness and consistency in establishing voter registration guidelines.

– Support efforts to reach out to the student and residents with information on town ordinances. Students and residents also need to know how to get help when neighborhood problems arise so they can be handled quickly, fairly and amicably.

– Work with the student government to help students who will be living off campus for the first time to make the transition with ease and a welcoming spirit.

– Strengthen the link between the student off-campus housing association and the council to reaffirm to students that they are a welcome and integral part of our community and we don’t want to lose them.

– Vote to grant license for regular transportation service between the College and shopping.

I need your vote so I may cast mine.

—Terence J. Wehle ’77

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