This Week in Flat Hat History: April 22


A large clock was installed in the tower of the Wren Building. R.M. Hughes of Norfolk gave the clock as one of his many gifts to the College.


The house mother for girls living in Jefferson Hall confiscated a copy of Life Magazine which featured a series of educational photos on childbirth. Mortarboard had supplied the magazine for the girls’ lounge. The magazine was soon banned across campus, and punishment was considered for girls who had purchased private copies of the magazine.


A campus survey conducted by The Flat Hat showed that 40.5 percent of female students and 62 percent of male students thought that College physicians should provide contraceptives upon request without stipulation as to martial status. Of the 1,112 students surveyed, 79 percent thought that their sex standards were more liberal than their parents.’


The College planned to install Ethernet in all computer labs and dorm rooms. Director of Technology Services Loretta Early recommended that all students purchase computers with a 75MHz Pentium processor, eight to 16 MB of RAM and a 700 MB hard drive.

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