Entrepreneur Marjorie Land ’36 dies of stroke

At the age of 93, Marjorie Land ’36, the co-owner of the Market Square Shop in Alexandria, Va., died of a stroke Aug. 14.

According to the Washington Post, the Market Square Shop, a store specializing in all things upholstery and curtain, was one of the first businesses opened in Alexandria’s old town district. Land and Joan Miller used their familys’ savings to found the shop in 1952. The pair garnered a large customer base and often did home visits to advise on interior design. At a time when women rarely owned their own businesses, Land and Miller helped revive the city’s old town. Their shop is still in operation today.

Marjorie Land was born in Boise, Idaho. She worked in department stores before going into business with Miller. She is survived by her sister, half-brother, two sons and five grandchildren.

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