Biden criticizes Palin in Virginia Beach campaign stop

Delaware Sen. Joe Biden responded to Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin’s vice presidential candidate acceptance speech Thursday morning at a campaign stop in Virginia Beach.

“She didn’t mention the word ‘health care,’” he said. “She didn’t mention the word ‘education.’ She didn’t mention college education … Not one time did I hear the phrase ‘middle class.’”

According to The Associated Press, the Democratic vice presidential candidate also responded to a question from a member of the audience about the approaching vice presidential debate.

“I will be unrelenting in my debate with Gov. Palin, the governor of Alaska, in terms of the positions she has taken,” Biden said. “But I will not do what she is able to do so well … I am not good at the one-line zingers.”
Though his opening remarks focused on Palin’s speech, the senator spoke mostly about military issues, since veterans comprised the majority of his audience, and Virginia is home to many military bases, including the world’s largest naval base in Norfolk.

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