SA blog: redux

My editors have instructed me to keep a more open mind towards the Student Assembly. I will do my best, but I am only human.

The BOV Presidential Search Act and the Virginia Gazette Act were both passed during Tuesday night’s meeting, 14-3-0 and 17-0-0 respectively. Both bills were sponsored by the Senate Chairman.

The Virginia Gazette Act purchases copies of the newspapers for an 8 week trial period and the The BOV Presidential Search Act sends a forcefully worded letter to the Board of Visitors regarding the student body’s displeasure with the guarded selection process of our new College President.

I was in full support of both bills and was very pleased when the Gazette Act passed without incident; it’s a perfect example of the SA doing something that directly and positively effects students. For a while it looked like the BOV Presidential Search Act would not pass and I was prepared to exit the room if it did not. That the SA even had to debate and extensively rewrite their letter to the BOV is shameful in and of itself. Before being eventually approved two motions to merely vote on the bill were voted down.

The SA President, who spoke out of turn multiple times during the meeting and the newly appointed SA Vice President both stated that they would be uncomfortable with delivering early incarnations of the letter to the BOV. They stressed that they did not want to harm their relations with the BOV. I was dumfounded by such a position. They represent students, not the BOV. It is their job to take the student body’s opinions to the BOV. If they aren’t comfortable with doing so then they should resign immediately so we can replace them with students who aren’t worried about stepping on the toes of a group who has been purposefully ignoring students for the last year. Why senators are so afraid to challenge an organization that openly despises the student body is beyond me.

Be courageous and stand up for students. You represent us. The SA president stated that she had been allowed to sit in closed session with the BOV. Maybe next she should actually tell them how the students feel. And if they don’t listen send them this:

Dear Board Members,

You act in disregard of the student body of the College of William and Mary. You are without conscience.


The Student Assembly of the College of William and Mary

It’s a good thing that this bill ended up being passed or else I would have really gotten angry. I would like to thank all the senators that wanted to keep working on it when it seemed as though it would just go back to committee. You helped your fellow students when the executive failed you.

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