SA meeting: Flu shots, websites, writer reimbursements

When the Flu Vaccine Funding Act was being introduced I was gearing up for another glowing endorsement of the Student Assembly. The bill proposed that $1,000 be allocated from the consolidated reserve in order to give the first 100 students in line for a flu vaccine a $10 rebate on the $25 vaccinations. Some senators even proposed upping the amount to $2,500 to fully fund 100 student vaccinations or to give 250 students $10 rebates.

The possibilities are endless, but the SA courageously chose to send the bill back to committee. Making such complex decisions has no place on the senate floor.

Some good did come out of Tuesday’s meeting with the passing of the Police Student Relations Improvement Act. The bill charges its sponsor with making an informative website regarding campus police officers and equally informative fliers.

The Timely Repayment Act was also passed, reimbursing Senator Brittany Fallon ’11 $579.91. Fallon funded the hugely successful “Meet Your Student Assembly” social function out of her own pocket.

I would like to propose that I also be reimbursed for the hundreds of hours I have spent taking notes on SA meetings. It would be more, but I will graciously waive charges for time spent unconscious. Although attaching a value to my precious time is impossible, $579.91 would be fine.

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