News in Brief: Feb. 10

*Reves Center holds speaker series*

The College of William and Mary’s Reves Center for International Studies will host a speaker series entitled, “The World in America.”

The series will explore how the world has influenced America and American identity. It will feature scholars and filmmakers speaking on a range of topics including the current global economic crisis, immigration, race and identity.

The series begins Feb. 17. All lectures are free and open to the public. For information on the series and speakers, please see the Reves Center’s website,

*General Assembly considers smoking restrictions*

The House of Delegates voted 61-3 yesterday to tentatively approve an amended version of a bill calling for statewide restrictions on smoking in restaurants, according to the Richmond-Times Dispatch. The Senate version of the bill was received yesterday evening and will be voted on again today.

The bipartisan ban, a compromise between Gov. Timothy M. Kaine and Speaker of the House William J. Howell, would make exceptions for private clubs and restaurants with a designated smoking room that is physically separated and independently ventilated from non-smoking dining areas. It would also exclude any permanent outdoor patio area of a restaurant or any portion of a restaurant used just for private functions.

*Education department fills higher ed post*

The U.S. Department of Education has selected a longtime department analyst to fill one of two key posts relating to higher education, according to the Chronicle of Higher Education.

Daniel T. Madzelan, who has been with the department since 1978, has been named acting assistant secretary for postsecondary education. He will be in charge of administering most of the agency’s programs for colleges and students.

Madzelan’s most recent job was to develop the department’s annual budget request for student financial aid and to direct major policy studies in that area.

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