News in Brief: Feb. 24

*Grad student announces project at CGIU*

College of William and Mary graduate student Adam Stackhouse ’04 M.A. ’06 announced a project titled the 2010 International Mercury Exposition at this year’s Clinton Global Initiative University. Former president Bill Clinton hosted the CGIU at the University of Texas in Austin last week and announced new projects that students and universities are undertaking to improve the global community.

“Through Clinton Global Initiative University, students and universities have made more than 1,700 commitments that affect hundreds of thousands of lives and make a difference in their communities and worldwide,” Clinton said.

Stackhouse’s commitment includes the conception, planning and execution of the 2010 International Mercury Expo to address the global concerns of mercury pollution.

*Retired judge dies of heart attack*

Retired judge Lloyd Coleman Sullenberger J.D. ’66 died Wednesday at the age of 68, reported the Richmond Times-Dispatch. He passed away in a Charlottesville hospital after an apparent heart attack.

The judge was known for granting a stay of execution in 1985 that bought time for mentally disabled, convicted murderer-rapist Earl Washington Jr. to be exonerated by DNA evidence. He was a justice from 1985 to 2000 of the 16th Judicial Circuit, which covers Charlottesville and the counties of Albemarle, Culpepper, Fluvanna, Goochland, Greene, Louisa, Madison and Orange.

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