Pinsker investigates 711 debacle, finds nothing conclusive

The Student Assembly unanimously passed the Changes Necessary to enforce the Finance Code Act during Tuesday’s meeting.

Previously, the finance code contained the word “may” several times in regard to students who misuse SA funds. With the recent changes, upon
discovering an elected officials misuse of funds a bill of impeachment
will be presented at the subsequent SA meeting.

These finance code bills seem to be an effort to stifle my barbed wit.

In a particularly entertaining piece of special business Senator Matt Pinsker ’09 presented a PowerPoint regarding his personal investigation into the City of Williamsburg’s prosecution of 711
Richmond Rd. on a three-person rule violation. Pinsker alleged in his report that “some, but not all” of the evidence given to the City was illegally
acquired by College of William and Mary music professor Ruth
Griffioen. In a sad conclusion Pinsker conceded that although Griffioen’s alleged actions were
unethical, they were not illegal since the students who claim to have caught her trespassing do not plan to press charges.

Pinsker’s largesse of free time was questioned after he revealed that nothing
would come of his investigation.

In another piece of special business Senator and elections commission Chairman Matt Beato delivered a briefing on the spring general election. This year there will be four informational meetings, the most ever, in an effort to make the SA more inclusive. Please go. If you can find a media outlet who will publish your snide comments I’ll
forgive you, but otherwise you need to do something about your student
assembly. Bills changing the finance code and Powerpoints assembled by
delusional private investigators are not really helping you out.

Informational meetings regarding running for student government will be held this Thursday February 26 at 9 pm in Blair 223, this coming Sunday March 1 at 6 pm and 9 pm in Blair 205 and this coming Monday March 2 at 8 pm in Blair 201.

[Editor’s Note] This article was amended March 18 to remove a charge levied by Pinsker against Griffioen. The charge was determined by The Flat Hat to be unfounded.


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