News in Brief: Feb. 27

*College launches website on sustainability*

The College of William and Mary’s Committee on Sustainability launched a new website to broaden its communications and outreach efforts. The website lists background information on current campus projects, including ways for people to get involved, as well as information on new project proposals and student research grants.

“The site will provide a clear point of contact for the William and Mary community to learn about our growing effort in COS, while providing many opportunities to contribute through volunteerism, ideas and projects that advance the president’s policy on sustainability,” Lynda Butler, interim dean of the William and Mary Law School and co-chair of the COS, said in a press release.

*Radford courtroom renamed to honor judge*

The Montgomery-Radford Bar Association recently renamed the Radford circuit courtroom The Honorable Duane E. Mink Courtroom to honor Virginia State Circuit Court Judge Duane Mink ’59, B.C.L. ’61.

Mink served as a sergeant in the Air Force and earned his law degree from the William and Mary Law School. After practicing law in Radford, Mink was appointed as a circuit court judge in 1983.

During the renaming ceremony, Mink was presented with a key to the city of Radford. Mink’s portrait will be hung in the courtroom, along with portraits of two other former judges.

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