News in Brief: September 18

*Former Board of Visitors member passes away*

Former Board of Visitors member Harriet Nachman Storm’64 passed away suddenly Tuesday.

Storm was involved with the College of William and Mary for over four decades, serving on the BOV from 1979 to 1988 and as a member of the Alumni Board of Directors from 1972 to 1978. In 1989, Storm helped found the Cypher Society, an organization of former BOV members who would like to continue their involvement at the College. She was elected its first president, a position she held until her death.

Storm was a graduate of Newport News High School and transferred to the College after two years at the University of Maryland School of Journalism. Upon graduation in 1964, she worked as a writer and editor for the Daily Press for eight years.

*College Police Department gets new captain*

The William and Mary Police Department has welcomed a new police captain. Ed Schardein is the police department’s third captain in its 35-year history. He has a 22-year background with the Portsmouth, Va. Police Department.

While serving in the Portsmouth police department, Schardein led Forensic Services and Community Policing units and a special operations division that handled narcotics and homeland security.

Schardein has worked on Uniform Patrol, SWAT, the Marine Enforcement/Dive Team and the Tactical Response Unit.

Schardein said he was attracted to the department at the College because of its reputation as a professional and accredited force, its size and because he would be able to remain on the peninsula.

*Students to create videos for incoming class*

The Office of Undergraduate Admission is challenging College of William and Mary students to create videos highlighting what makes the College special.

The contest comes through the office’s “More Than Bricks” film challenge. The contest’s purpose is to use the creativity and video editing skills of current students to garner excitement for the College amongst the next freshman class.

This is the contest’s second year, and the winning video will be seen by more than 3,000 campus visitors during admitted students events for the Class of 2014.

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