The Pulse: 18 Sept. 2009

A student riding a bike struck a vehicle outside the Rec Tuesday evening. He was taken to the hospital, but College spokesman Brian Whitson said the student has been released.

U.Va. athletics director Craig Littlepage apologized for a video shown before the Sept. 4 game against William and Mary that depicted U.Va. mascot “Cavman” fighting an Indian, meant to represent the Tribe. “We are sorry that the video insulted persons whose history and culture are essential parts of our national heritage,” Littlepage wrote in the Cavalier Daily. “The video was sadly uninformed, and the Athletic Department regrets that it aired.”

Responding to GQ’s ranking of U.Va. as one of America’s douchiest colleges, a CavDaily editorial argued Mr. Jefferson’s second school is simply better than the rest. And yes — they managed to get a potshot off at “football powerhouse” William and Mary, which was named a runner-up: “If using an ampersand in your college’s name does not imply snobbery, nothing does.”

Gubernatorial candidates Republican Bob McDonnell and Democrat Creigh Deeds held a second debate yesterday in McLean, Va. The Richmond Times-Dispatch noted that, though few new issues were discussed, the exchange was the most antagonistic to date.

Anew Rasmussen poll released yesterday shows Deeds trailing McDonnell by just two points, at 46 and 48 percent, respectively. With a margin of error of 4.5 percent, that makes the race a statistical dead heat.

The Jamestown-Yorktown Foundation has purchased a rare 1776 broadside print of the Declaration of Independence. They won’t disclose the price, but a similar print fetched $722,500 at auction earlier this year. The broadside — originally meant for public display — will be available for viewing Oct. 1.

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