News in Brief: October 23

*Phi Beta Kappa elects College professor to senate*

Modern language and literature professor George Greenia was elected to the senate of the Phi Beta Kappa honor society. The election occurred Oct. 3 at the organization’s 42nd Triennial Council.

Greenia founded the program of medieval and renaissance studies at the College of William and Mary and serves on the editorial boards of several academic journals, including La CorĂłnica.

Greenia became a member of PBK in 1975 upon his graduation from Marquette University in Wisconsin.

*New development planned in James City County*

Developers are planning a new mixed-use housing and shopping development at Williamsburg Crossing in James City County.

The development would include 240 apartments in eight buildings of two or three stories in height. Three other buildings would house two-story townhouses built over retail and office space.

The development would also feature at least five small parks, walking or cycling trails and new street intersections.

*College to host forum on the future of healthcare*

A forum on the future of Medicare will be held Oct. 28 in the College of William and Mary’s admissions office auditorium.

The forum will feature a panel of faculty and healthcare experts discussing the impact healthcare reform will have on Medicare.

The event begins at 5 p.m. and is free and open to the public.

*College to host forum on the future of healthcare*

A screening of the film, “Inside Islam” will be held in Andrews Hall at the College of William and Mary Oct. 27 at 8:30 p.m.

The film uses post-Sept. 11 Gallup polls to analyze relations between the West the Islam. After the film, Middle East analyst John Musselman ’03 will speak. The event is free and open to the public.

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