Behind Closed Doors: Pulling back the mystery sheets

Understanding your body is essential to a mature sexuality. But this isn’t always as easy as exploring your happy place. Some things require research. That’s where I come in; I’m here to help you discover the intricacies of your nether regions. It is my job, to troll the internet looking at porn rather than do my homework. Woe is me.

I thought I would focus on two questions I’ve received, one for each sex. First, how do I deal with an uncircumcised penis? Second, what is female ejaculation? Both of these questions may pop up unexpectedly, so it’s a good idea to know the basics about them beforehand.

Regarding the first question, a little more than half of American men are uncircumcised. This means that their foreskin did not receive a snipping when they were babies. The result? A warm little turtleneck. An uncircumcised penis, when erect, looks just the same as a circumcised penis, so you may not notice that your partner is au natural. But when he’s soft, there will be an extra flap of skin around the top that hides the head. Many people never get to touch one of these raw, uncut beauties. Gaze in wonder at the natural male sex organ.

Then proceed with tenderness.

This hood contains thousands and thousands of nerve endings that circumcised men don’t have. If you are used to a circumcised penis your touch is likely to be too rough for your uncircumcised partner. Blowjobs are the big issue. Retract the foreskin carefully, and treat your man lovingly. Do not suck too hard or throw in any little nibbles.

Other than that, let loose; a penis is a penis is a penis. No need to be scared away because this penis happens to have an accessory.

As to the second question, what’s the deal with female ejaculation? Squirting, as it is known colloquially, is a controversial topic. Scientists haven’t quite figured out the mechanism for this process. How odd — women aren’t lining up to participate in a science experiment that involves them orgasming on command.

Here’s what we know: Less than half of women report ejaculating during sex, or manual or oral stimulation. The fluid is expelled before or during orgasm from the paraurethral ducts. Some naysayers claim the fluid has the same composition as urine. Ergo, female ejaculation equals incontinence.

Although may make it seem easy, many women find it difficult to achieve this feat. Some worry they will urinate on their partners. Urine play is not a commonly accepted fetish, so this is undesirable — but some research suggests it can be as pleasurable as ejaculation.

If you want to attempt this, keep a few things in mind. To avoid the fear of urination, empty your bladder before attempting. Massage your clitoris as usual during manual stimulation. Then add pressure to your G-spot, which can be found by sticking your fingers 1 to 2 inches into the vagina and pressing against the wall facing your stomach.

Use your hands to reach orgasm, focusing on the G-spot. Then, go with the flow. At this point you have put pressure on your paraurethral glands, and the fluid should be built up and ready to burst. Viola, female ejaculation.

Do not freak out if you can’t do it. The majority of women have not experienced ejaculation, and my guess is that they still have fun during sex.

I hope I’ve supplied you with a few fun facts, and who knows? You might find some of this information useful in the future.

__Maya Horowitz is the Flat Hat sex columnist. She just wants to make sure you’re prepared if an uncircumcised penis or ejaculating femaile might jump you on campus late at night.__

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