The Pulse: 10 Nov. 2009

While the movement to open Miller Hall to all majors at night is popular — a Facebook group had 891 members as of Monday — a similar movement to increase access to the Swem Library roof for studying has been gaining steam as well. “Open the Swem Roof for Everyone” had 96 members as of last night.

Some commenters seem to take the group seriously, but most seem to be in on the joke. “I for one know that even the third floor is much too loud for me,” Amanda Derringer ’11 wrote on the group’s wall. “The roof is the perfect place for the new, improved, absolutely dead silent study.”

Former College President Paul Verkuil ’61 has been nominated by President Barack Obama to head the Administrative Conference of the United States, a federal agency that makes recommendations on how to improve administrative procedures. Verkuil, now a litigator with Boies, Schiller & Flexner LLP, headed the College between 1985 and 1992.

William and Mary ranked 93rd among universities this fall, according Global Language Monitor, a research group that ranks schools based on appearances in global media. The College did not rank in the top 125 in the previous two rankings. The University of Michigan-Ann Arbor, M.I.T. and Harvard took the top three spots.

A paper coauthored by psychology professor Jeanine Stefanucci in the journal Psychological Science concluded that right-handed people perceive their right arm and hand to be larger than their left, but left-handed people perceive their arms and hands to be equally sized.

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