November 16 to November 28

Wednesday, Nov. 18 — An individual was arrested for allegedly causing a public disturbance on the 700 block of Scotland Rd.

Friday, Nov. 20 — An individual was arrested for alleged domestic assault and battery on the 100 block of Merrimac Trail.

Saturday, Nov. 21 — An individual was arrested for an alleged hit-and-run on the 1600 block of Richmond Rd.

— An individual was arrested for alleged underage possession of alcohol on the 300 block of Richmond Rd.

Monday, Nov. 23 — An individual was arrested for allegedly tampering with a vehicle, grand larceny and conspiracy on the 1800 block of Richmond Rd.

— An individual was arrested for an alleged dispute on the 900 block of Capitol Landing Rd.

Thursday, Nov. 26 — An individual was arrested for alleged possession of false identification on the 100 block of Merrimac Trail.

Friday, Nov. 27 — An individual was arrested for alleged child neglect on the 1300 block of Richmond Rd.

Saturday, Nov. 28 — Two individuals were arrested for allegedly stealing a tire cover and sign from the 500 block of Prince George St.

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