Fine foods for finals

Is there really a link between diet and your grades? Well, yes.

It could be the difference between an A and a B. And for those who take academics seriously, like College of William and Mary students, diet should be just as carefully considered as the time studying for exams.

Pizza, ramen and all-nighters fueled by coffee from Wawa are neither the wisest nor the most nutritious choices during crunch-time studying.

Here are 20 foods that are brain boosters and keep the body in top shape for exam period (not to mention warding off the exam-time flu or cold).

1) Tea: Peppermint tea specifically will calm nerves, especially a nervous stomach.
2) Citrus: Boosts the immune system, and jogs the memory.
3) Avocados: Incorporate some guacamole with whole grain chips as a study snack.
4) Chocolate: Ok, here’s when it’s okay to splurge on this endorphin-inducing treat. Did you know chocolate also improves focus, and milk chocolate specifically enhances verbal skills?
5) Curry: It removes harmful plaques from the brain’s vasculature.
6) Berries: Specifically raspberries and blackberries that have the most effect upon improving brain function. By the way, the Sexchange now carries them.
7) Nuts: Omega-3 and antioxidant rich (and a better snack than potato chips from the vending machine at Swem).
8) Soy: Slows memory loss, improves cognition and memory.
9) Leafy green vegetables: Also good for memory (try spinach or broccoli at the dining halls).
10) Olive oil: Contains essential fatty acids, like omega-3s.
11) Flaxseed: Contains omega-3s like most seeds.
13) Beans: Chock full of iron and protein (iron increases concentration)
14) Fish: Anything with omega-3 fatty acids! Omega-3s increase energy and improve the brain’s ability to problem-solve.
15) Whole Grains: Contains foliate and Vitamin B6. This is definitely a brain stimulating food.

What are some other tips for studying?
1) Just because Swem is open 24 hours doesn’t mean you have to take advantage of it. A full night’s sleep of 8 hours enhances the ability to retain and recall information learned the night before.
2) The Rec is still holding their semester classes: yogilates, spinning, and the knew Body Pump workout. Exercise not only helps you sleep better, but it energizes, detoxifies, and conditions the body. It’s also a good way to relieve some of that studying stress.
3) Take breaks! The brain can only handle four hours of studying at a time, so walking outside or going to Aromas with a friend is a good thing.

Good luck studying for exams!

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