News in Brief: January 26

*Four to be honored with Alumni Medallion*

Four alumni of the College of William and Mary will be honored with the Alumni Medallion Feb. 5 at a ceremony held by the Alumni Association. W. Samuel Sadler ’64 M. Ed ’71, Nicholas St. George ’60 J.D. ’65 and Earl “Tubby” Young ’59 will all be recognized. In addition, Waverly Cole ’50 will receive the award posthumously. The medallion is the association’s most prestigious award. The candidates were selected for their professional achievement and exemplary service to the school.

*Law students to write memos for Pentagon staff*

College law professor Linda A. Malone will once again be leading her law students in providing legal research to the government. Malone’s International Litigation in U.S. Courts seminar students will be supplying legal memos to the Pentagon’s Office of Military Commissions, as well as legal support in their case against inmates being held at the U.S. military prison in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba. Malone’s students also provided legal memos to the Iraqi court that tried Saddam Hussein in 2004. Each of the 25 students involved in the class will have to write a 25-30 page research paper for the prosecution of the detainees.

*Alum and former mayor passes away at 91*

John Hodges ’39 died at the age of 91 on Saturday. A native of Williamsburg and a 30-year U.S. Army Veteran veteran who landed in Normandy during World War II, Hodges served as mayor of Williamsburg from 1986 until he retired in 1992. While a member of city council, Hodges oversaw the construction of the municipal building and worked to support Williamsburg tourism while protecting “green space” within the city. Hodges was also a military science professor at the College in the early ’70s.

*VIMS professor named to UN climate panel*

Virginia Institute of Marine Science professor Marjorie Friedrichs will be part of a 20-country panel of 60 experts that will advise the United Nations on the rate of future climate change. The panel will meet in Boulder, Colo. at the end of the month to help create a baseline against which to measure future climate tests. Friedrichs’s knowledge of the relationships between ocean biology and ocean physics and her ability to draw conclusions from different computer models were important factors in her selection to the team, according to David Malmquist of VIMS.

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