New music video in a ‘Williamsburg State of Mind’

A new music video about Williamsburg and the College of William and Mary has been making its way around the online campus community, garnering thousands of YouTube views and dozens of positive comments.

“Williamsburg State of Mind” was released Feb. 11 by JT Blau ’08 and Michael Duarte ’08 M.S. ’10. The video is a satirical rap aimed at College stereotypes such as early morning classes (Monday morning 8 o’clock/ I’ll be in the second row/ Ask questions one minute left/ So other people can’t go), the Triathlon (Protesters say I’m dirty/ That I’m goin’ straight to hell/ But let’s see you be clean/ Once you’ve swam the Crim Dell) and local nightlife (Sunday night I’m at the Leafe/ Sippin’ on a mug of Bass/ But you know I’ll only talk about/ My favorite class).

Check out the video below. Oh, and take their advice:

If you’ve got a head cold
Grab a tri-corner hat
But to get with the times
You only need a Flat Hat


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