News in Brief: 23 February 2010

*College professors featured in art exhibition*

Columbus State University Department of Art’s exhibition “The Figure as Narrative: Compelling Allusions” will feature the works of College of William and Mary professors Heidi Brar, Nicole McCormick and Brian Kredatus until March 27.

“The exhibition explores the human figure’s power through gesture and glance to allude to richly compelling visual tales that run the narrative gamut from mundane to bizarre,” CSU art history professor Barbara Johnston said in a press release.

*Professors, Coca-Cola rep debate water bottles*

At an event sponsored by the College of William and Mary Committee on Sustainability and the Do One Thing campaign, a representative from the Coca-Cola Enterprises and several College professors discussed the environmental impact of water bottles and methods of reducing environmental damage Sunday.

Coca-Cola Enterprises’s Vice President for Public Affairs and Communication Curtis Etherly focused on the company’s efforts to reduce its carbon footprint, while geology professor Jim Kaste addressed environmental issues surrounding the industry. Virginia Institute of Marine Sciences professor Dennis Taylor discussed how the depositing of trash into the ocean caused unusual chemicals to enter into the food chain.

“If we stopped putting trash into the oceans [right now], it would still be a problem hundreds of years from now,” Taylor said.

Operations and information technology professor Tonya Boone traced the purpose of water bottles since the 1930s. The final speaker, philosophy professor Mark Valler, said that refusing bottled water was the ethical thing to do.

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