Committee on Sustainability offers free event recycling kit

With funding from the student green fee, the College’s Committee on Sustainability is now offering a free event recycling kit. Depending on the size of the event, the kit can include up to ten portable, lightweight recycling and garbage containers.

The kit is intended to help minimize the environmental footprint left by events. The recycling containers are equipped for the disposal of aluminum cans, glass, empty #1 and #2 plastic bottles, mixed paper, and cardboard. The kit must be requested in advance through the College’s website and can be checked out with a student ID for up to three days from the Swem circulation desk.

To help the College track the kit’s progress, each user will be required to estimate the amount of recycling collected in cubic yards and report that information to the SWEM circulation staff when the kit is returned.

To check out a free event recycling kit for your next event, click here.

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